Monday, August 27, 2012

Need a solution.

I need your help.  We have a beautiful PE space that needs a durable surface.  When we bought our school our PE space was a grass field, and that is being generous.  We have applied mounds of mulch, which due to play and gravity and water are becoming a maintenance nightmare.

Folks and companies online are poo-pooing rubber mulch. A lawn is out of the question.  Astro-turf is so yesterday.  I am starting to think a base of Coir Geo Blanket and some kind of covering may work, and we are going to go to DC to look at Marvin Gaye Park at their Surface America product.

Any who, if you have a bright idea for covering a 47x47 foot space that sees upwards of 600 little feet or more a day then write Kate Primm, the Principal, at - less raking and more playing would be great!

Can't wait to hear!

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