Thursday, August 23, 2012

Gold Finch

At least one pair of goldfinch are enjoying our smaller sunflowers.  Now, I say at least one pair because we've seen a pair out front and a pair out back in the courtyard.  So far nobody has seen 4 birds in one place or 2 pairs of birds in two places.

How cool, goldfinch feeding at GSB!?

We want to do much more of that.  Planting plants that attract and hold all kinds of fauna.  Right now we are getting so many different kinds of butterflies.  Outside of a swallowtail or monarch, I'm lost, and there are so many right now.  Come on Baltimore Checkerspots...  Then there are bees and flies (yes flies) and moths and beetles.  If you like bugs come to GSB and if you do, take all the Harlequin bugs you want...

Did I tell you how good the sweet corn is? Shhhh - our little secret.  My fingers are still burning from processing jalapeños and mexibells!

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