Tuesday, May 29, 2012


Who knew!?  So potato bugs, or roly-poly, or sow bug, or pill bug, or tiggy hog, or... are woodlice.  Woodlice are land crustaceans (look out crabs). Turns out that the woodlice (woodlouse the plural) are a garden beneficial.  They take care of all that dead and rotting matter, help create soil, and aerate soil.

Where they take a hard hit from gardeners, especially organic gardeners, is that they like young, tender veggie flesh; young plants, young fruit, etc..  That is why I am complaining as they munch on my strawberries!

But, they also eat a lot of fungi and fungus problems.  So, I guess they stay and I put up with munched on fruits and veggies from time to time.

Check out http://www.small-farm-permaculture-and-sustainable-living.com/garden_pest_wood_lice.html  as a place to start answering your woodlouse questions.

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