Friday, November 2, 2012

Garlic History by Julia Parker 5th Grade

 In 5th grade Investigations the 5th graders planted garlic cloves.  Here are some interesting facts about garlic:
·         Garlic bulbs usually have 10 cloves of garlic inside, and if you plant each clove you will get a whole other bulb out of it. Cool huh?
·         Egyptians worshipped garlic and place clay models of garlic bulbs in the tomb of Tutannkhamen. 
·         Folklore says that garlic repels or kept out vampires, protected against the evil eye.  It also warded of jealous nymphs that terrorized pregnant women and engaged women.
·         The word garlic comes from old English word Garleac meaning “spear leek.” This word is dating back over 6000 thousand years and is native to Central Asia. 
·         Today Americans alone consume over 250,000,00 pounds of garlic annually.
That’s what I call garlic history.  Information from Written by Julia Parker 5th Grade GSB

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