Tuesday, December 6, 2011

Let it snow, let it snow, let it snow...

So there is a chance of snow in the forecast late Wednesday into early Thursday morning. Right now we are 15 degrees above normal at 62 degrees. I don't know if we will be hearing sleigh bells ring anytime soon in B-more, but we are just fourteen days away from winter solstice.

I just started to read an article in Urban Farm magazine about container gardening. If you have read this blog at all you know I have a slight (tongue-in-cheek) interest in productive container gardens. Any who, in one of their large containers they produced nearly 5 pounds of carrots. 5 pounds!!!


Any who, they list container friendly root crops that are successful in containers so I will be sure to be experimenting. If you dig urban farming like I do check them out http://www.urbanfarmonline.com

Did I say let it snow?

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