Tuesday, October 20, 2009

A very rainy week-end, aren't the plants happy!

Well, add 2.5" to our rain totals! Wow what a soggy week-end. Since we last posted, all of our planted seeds, onion and garlic sets are up and growing. The sunflowers seeds have been separated from the heads and will be roasted sooner than later. I can't wait to get a scale to weigh what is being produced!

We planted a few more onion and garlic sets today as well as pansies. I helped a neighbor across the street clean-up their containers from old summer flower growth and then we planted pansies and onions.

5th grade will be doing some more harvesting later in the week. Our beets are ready, the rest of the carrots, cantaloupe. and tomatoes will be taken. Looks like we will have some green tomatoes to ripen inside or save for pickling or frying. Boy, those grape tomatoes are still as tasty as ever! Some of our fennel seed is dry and ready to be harvested too!

It looks like we have some slug or catapillar activity on some of the greens planted in one of the raised beds. We'll set a board out and see if we catch any slugs napping.

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