Monday, October 5, 2009

Another large harvest

Last Friday the entire 5th grade class spent time harvesting the last of the Indian corn as well as peppers, cantaloupe, tomatoes, carrots, beans, dill, basil, eggplants, popcorn and sunflower. Two raised beds were stripped of their summer crops and prepped then lettuce and cabbage were planted.

All of the corn stalks were cut and are drying to be used as decorations and later will be composted. The sunflower stalks were also cut down and set aside for composting. Pansies were added to the long perimeter bed along Kentucky Ave. for fall beauty and over-wintering.

The class is very excited about roasting the sunflower seeds and popping the popcorn. The produce was divided up amongst the class and taken home by the students.

The garlic, onions, kale, swiss chard, mustard, radishes, and collard greens are all growing well in the canoe garden.

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