Thursday, April 19, 2012

Ah, rain!

As little as it was the rain yesterday was nice. Hopefully we will get more this week-end.

As you may know, I love looking at what other people are doing out their with Food Justice and Urban agriculture. CBS ran a great report on Wendell Pierce (The Wire and Treme on HBO) and his new corner and grocery store projects in New Orleans. These stores are bringing groceries and whole foods to under served neighborhoods in post Katrina New Orleans. Hard to believe that NOLA is still reeling from the effects of Katrina 6 years later, but they are. A link for the story

The New York Times Magazine did a piece on the Lower 9th Ward in March. Its seems scientists have always wondered about how developed land would fair after a catastrophe; i.e., at what rate would man and nature come back. The Lower 9th is a live model that scientists can track and compare real data with their hypothesis. Very interesting stuff.

I then found a great program in the Lower 9th called Our School at Blair Grocery. A link to their blog - These folks are working with and educating at-risk youth through an experiential education model around Urban Farming. They also offer a cool 6 day summer course for anyone that would be great to take if Urban Farming is of interest.

Kate and I just love NOLA and southern Louisiana. Baltimore has not had a catastrophe per se, but our urban ills have much in common with New Orleans and their spirit and societal melange offers much inspiration.

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