Saturday, February 26, 2011

A lima bean experiment!

Our 5th graders are going to put urban farming to a hard-core test. The question is: Can we grow lima beans indoors? Conditions: we have good natural light, we have full-spectrum fluorescent light, we have adequate heat, lima beans have perfect flowers, so they are
self-pollinating, we can create breezes to move the pollen around...

So, can we grow lima beans indoors? The seedlings are up and have one or two sets of true leaves. We will transplant them next week, and provide a single string trellis for the limas to wind their way around.

Stay posted!

1 comment:

  1. I'm impressed with the inside conditions for growing lima beans inside! I'm sure the children were fascinated!

    I’m retired now but taught for many years. In my combined first and second grades, we also did experiments with Lima Beans, but with another approach. These experiments could be used for any age. Please see my blog for experiments with Lima Beans that I did for years. Children really loved these experiments.
