Wednesday, July 14, 2010

Boxelder bugs, rain and chickens

Well, we don't have boxelder bugs at school, but my neighbor does. They are all around her potted pepper plant usually basking in the evening sun. That is one of the joys of gardening is that, by default, you become a hobbiest entomologist. It seems their numbers are the biggest inconvenience. A great insect site is Dr. Michael Raupp's Bug of the Week he is a Professor at UMCP and a great speaker if you ever get the chance.

My chicken training is coming closer to an end. The chicken's that is. I will see the entire life cycle by the end of Friday when I prepare chickens for their CSA recipients. Don't know if I will cry or not, but it is an important part for me to experience the entirety of a food chain. I will let you know how it goes.

Rain, ahh beautiful rain, I've enjoyed every soaking drop over the last 36 hours or so. Like the country song says: rain makes corn, and corn makes... anyway the song entertains me.

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